Manuscript / grant writing

Matteo Carandini’s “some tipps for writing science” – Fine 5-page summary from an experienced scientist (version 2022).

Dan Simons’ writing and revising guide – Very handy 8-page PDF from an experienced scientist and writer.

What is your best (academic) writing tip?” – A helpful twitter thread with lots of useful tips from experienced academics.

Writing in the Sciences” – Excellent comprehensive 4-week massive open online course (free!) at Coursera.

How to construct a Nature summary paragraph” – Annotated example (1-page PDF) how to structure a good abstract (of course for any journal).

(A few examples in favor of the “Oxford comma”: here, here, and here. 😉

Reporting Statistics in Psychology” – Useful 7-page PDF to look up how to report statistical results in APA format (incl. rounding guidelines, etc.). Although it uses SPSS output, it easily translates to R output.

A novelist’s useful tips on how to write a great science paper.

Writing concisely” – concise (what else?) handout how to avoid wordiness.

Hotaling (2020) Simple rules for concise scientific writing – a short read (obviously), including actionable suggestions how to condense one’s texts and an emphasis on receiving feedback.

Telling a story – Claus O. Wilke’s excellent slide deck (~70 slides) on ways to tell a story (in scientific papers, grant proposals, figures, etc.)

Writing a scientific article: A step-by-step guide for beginners (PDF) – all-in-one paper on how to write papers.

My own twitter thread with resources for grant structuring and figure creation.


Dan Quintana’s concise blog post on “How to respond to reviewers’ comments on your manuscript“.

Michael Breakspear’s twitter thread with advice for how to approach revisions and response letters.

Peer reviewing

Tim Kietzmann’s “What makes a good scientific reviewer?” collection on Twitter

Duncan Astle’s and Sue Fletcher-Watson’s blog post “Think you’re your own harshest critic? Try peer review…


Another one of Dan Quintana’s useful overviews: Improving your PowerPoint presentations – slides on OSF, twitter thread.

Super useful guide with lots of actionable advice on how to choose colours for figures.