01/2024: Session for high-school students (St.-Ursula-Gymnasium Düsseldorf, online): “What can the neurosciences contribute to epistemology?”
02/2022: Interview for the podcast SIGGRAPH Spotlight: Episode 52 – Emotions in VR.
08/2020: Talk for children and teenagers as part of the SommerKinderCollege 2020 on “How brain and heart are linked to thinking and feeling” (online).
07/2019: Discussant at the Leonardo LASER Talks Nomad “Potential realities and perspectives: dreams – (mental) states and (electronic) sheep“. Factory, Berlin (with Luca Forcucci and Mert Akbal).
11/2018: “Virtual Reality and the brain: VR in neuroscience and neurology” – public event of “kieznerds” during the Berlin Science Week. [snippet in a TV feature]
07/2018: Curator for one week of the science communication Twitter account Real Scientists DE.
07/2018: The neurophysiology of emotions and feelings – public discussion after the movie “Inside Out” at the Silbersalz Festival in Halle/Saale.
04/2018: Radio guest to discuss “Does VR need rules of conduct? How does VR affect our consciousness?” RBB Kulturradio Berlin.
04/2018: VR und das Gehirn: VR in Neurowissenschaft und Neurologie – public talk and discussion at Zeppelin Museum Friedrichshafen.
02/2018: VR in Neurowissenschaft und Psychologie – public talk at the 3IT Berlin – Innovation Center for Immersive Imaging Technologies.
11/2016: Digitaler Salon: Internet der Sinne – public discussion at the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society.DRadio Wissen (German, audio, podcast)
05/2016: Wie das Hirn mit Stress umgeht – public talk at Urania Berlin (together with Arno Villringer).
2015: Vom Reflex zur Reflexion – interactive public learning at “Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften”, Berlin (together with Lena M. Paschke and Amadeus Magrabi)
2010: Scientific advisor for the documentary movie “Die Falten des Königs” (Matthias van Baaren, Austria 2010)